In addition to our limited physical audiobook selection in store, we’ve partnered with to make it possible for you to buy digital audiobooks in support of our bookstore. Browse the catalog of over 500,000 audiobooks, including New York Times best sellers, and discover hidden gems curated by our booksellers.
How to Listen
Because we know that not all audiobook listeners are the same, there are a couple of different ways to listen with us!
Monthly Memberships
This is the perfect choice for avid audiobook listeners! Members will receive one audiobook credit each month.
Sign up for a membership here!
On Demand
Are you an occasional listener? With, you can purchase and listen to audiobooks on your own schedule with no strings attached.
Gifting Audiobooks
Gift audiobooks to anyone in the world (including yourself!) from the comfort of your home. You choose the number of credits and your gift recipient picks their own audiobooks.
Get two free audiobooks!
Now’s a great time to shop indie. When you start a new one credit per month membership supporting our bookstore with promo code SWITCH, you will be gifted with two bonus audiobook credits at sign-up.