Rattle Poetry readings are featured the second Sunday of every month
Susan Cohen is a recovering journalist in Berkeley who earned an MFA from Pacific University. Her poem, "After the Boston Marathon Bombing," appeared in Rattle's Poets Response series in May 2015, and then in her second full-length collection A Different Wakeful Animal, winner of Red Dragonfly Press' Meadowhawk Prize and a runner-up for the Philip Levine Prize. Her poems can be found in the current issues of Greensboro Review, Nimrod, Spillway, Tar River Poetry, and many anthologies.
Ananda Lima's work has appeared or is upcoming in The American Poetry Review, The Offing, Sugar House Review, PANK, Origins and elsewhere. She has an MA in Linguistics from UCLA and is pursuing her MFA in Fiction from Rutgers-Newark. She was selected for the AWP Writer to Writer program and has attended workshops at Breadloaf, Tin House, the Community of Writers, as well as Sewanee where she currently works as staff. She lives in New Jersey with her husband and their son. Her poem "Line" appears in Rattle #57.