Sonia Greenfield, Athena Kildegaard & John Lazear Okrent
Sonia Greenfield was born in Peekskill, New York, and her book, Boy with a Halo at the Farmer’s Market, won the 2014 Codhill Poetry Prize. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in a variety of places, including in the 2018 and 2010 Best American Poetry. Her chapbook, American Parable, won the 2017 Autumn House Press/Coal Hill Review prize. She lives with her husband and son in Hollywood where she edits the Rise Up Review and directs the Southern California Poetry Festival. Her poems have appeared in Rattle #36, and five times in Poets Respond, most recently with “Ghost Ship.”
Athena Kildegaard is the author of five books of poetry: Rare Momentum, Bodies of Light, Cloves & Honey, and, most recently, Ventriloquy and Course from Tinderbox Editions. Her poems have appeared widely in journals, in anthologies, on KAXE radio, and on The Writer’s Almanac. She teaches at the University of Minnesota–Morris. She was a founding board member of the Lake Region Writer’s Alamanac and the founding director of the Prairie Renaissance Cultural Alliance. Her poem “Allurement” appears in Rattle #60.
John Lazear Okrent is a family doctor currently working at a mental health clinic in Kent, Washington. Prior to moving to Washington, he lived in New York, where he worked as the doctor at various homeless shelters. His poetry has appeared in Tupelo Quarterly, The Bridport Prize, and Field. His poem “After Seeing a Picture in the New York Times …” appears in Rattle #60.