liz gonzales is the author of Dancing in the Santa Ana Winds: Poems y Cuentos New And Selected (Los Nietos Press 2018) and the poetry collection Beneath Bone (Manifest Press 2000). Her work recently appeared in Voices de la Luna, Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California, and Voices from Leimert Park Anthology Redux. She was recently featured on Latinopia.com, KUCR’s Radio Aztlan, KPCC's Unheard L.A, and The Palacio Podcast. She teaches creative writing at the UCLA Ext. Writers Program and is a member of Macondo Writers Workshop, found by Sandra Cisneros, and Women’s Write Inn. A fourth generation Southern Californian, liz lives in Long Beach with an indifferent Chihuahua, a talkative tortie cat, and a scientist and musician.
Karen Greenbaum-Maya worked as a clinical psychologist for 35 years. She has managed a congressional campaign, has sung in a local opera company, and has developed cookie recipes for commercial use. She returned to poetry in 2008. Since then, her work has appeared in journals and anthologies including B O D Y,
Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, Comstock Poetry Review, Lilliput Review, Off the Coast, Otoliths, Naugatuck Poetry Review, and, Measure. She has been nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize and for Best of the Net. She co-hosts Fourth Sundays, a monthly poetry series in Claremont, California, and “Garden of Verses,” an annual day-long reading of nature poems in Claremont’s Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden. Kattywompus Press published her three chapbooks, Burrowing Song (2013), Eggs Satori (2014), and, Kafka’s Cat (2019). Kelsay Books published her full-length collection The Book of Knots and their Untying (2016).