the future is female!
the future is female!
Take a Journey with this aspiring young leader as she imagines all she can grow up to be, including the President of the United States.
Joy can do it all - and so can you!
The new President is about to be elected.. A young girl named Joy spends the day with her brother CJ learning about who and what a President is. Realizing that for the first time in history a female could win the election. After learning about what a President does and even where they live, Joy also begins to explore all the other things she can grow up to be. This is a story filled with encouragement, aspiration, and inspiration.
STEPHANIE OWENS began writing children's picture books in order to inspire and excite little ones as they prepare to face life's changes. My First Loose Tooth was the debut release from All My Firsts, her series highlighting many childhood milestones. Stephanie is the founder and President of Hayward House Publishing, which she began in order to self-publish her series. With a degree in psychology, Stephanie spent the years following school working in a placement home counseling troubled youth. She lives in Los Angeles, California, but was born in the Bay Area and spent her formative years in Maine.